My appreciation

Just wanted to express my gratitude to all those people who bought the furniture from us when we were relocating - it's good to find new homes for the pieces, as well as have a small fund for the next chapter of our lives. Also, I am very grateful to the Freecyclers whom I met - some of whom have amazing stories to tell. I'm so humbled at how some of you use those things that were given away to help others.

I'm now joining the growing ranks amongst you who are embarking on a long distance relationship. In the meantime, as I move back to the home I grew up in, I will have to make a space for myself. Thus, I will have to embark on yet another round of sorting between items that are necessary and those that are nice to have. Yikes, pretty painful having to go through the process of culling again - but hey, change never taps you on the shoulder and asks if it can come into your life, it just barges through the door!

I've had a chance to meet so many people through Craigslist, Gumtree and Freecycle and overall, it's been a wonderful experience, especially those with whom I got to chat a little bit more with. Here's to round 2 and meeting more of you!

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